Our Story

At Climba, we're not just a bouldering gym; we're a passionate team dedicated to transforming your climbing journey into an extraordinary adventure. Meet the founders, Travis and Glen, whose unique experiences and unwavering commitment have brought Climba to life.

Travis's Journey into Climbing (right)

Travis, the heart and soul behind Climba, discovered his love for climbing through a transformative encounter with a seasoned climber during his early years. The guidance and inspiration he received during that fateful day left an indelible mark on his soul. Now, he's on a mission to recreate that very experience for everyone who walks through the doors of Climba.

Glen's Vision for Climba (left)

Glen, our co-founder, was struck by the absence of proper guidance and warm-up routines in the climbing world. He recognized the need for a safe and inclusive space where beginners, just like him once, could enter the world of climbing with confidence. It was this realization that fueled his desire to create a welcoming sanctuary for climbers of all levels.

Our Commitment to You

Travis and Glen have come together to build Climba with a shared vision - to offer much more than just climbing walls. We are committed to providing you with guided introductory classes that empower you to embrace the art of climbing.

Our mobility warm-ups will ensure your body is prepared for each ascent, and our in-house physiotherapy rooms will be at your service, guaranteeing that you can climb safely, effectively, and free from the constraints of injuries.

At Climba, we believe that climbing is not just a sport; it's a lifestyle. We are here to help you level up your climbing skills while fostering a supportive and vibrant community that shares your passion. Join us on this exhilarating journey, and together, let's reach new heights. Welcome to Climba, where adventure begins!